Case Study
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
DuctSox and Involta Collaborate to Design Effective, Energy-Efficient Cooling for Data Centers

Fabric vs Metal
Involta first used a more conventional porous fabric diffuser system as a lower velocity air distribution alternative to rectangular metal ductwork and drafty linear diffusers. The fabric diffuser, which is commonly used in many commercial open architectural ceilings applications, offered an improved operational margin, more effective cooling, and better energy efficiency than metal. The joint conversations between the two companies then lead to DuctSox’s DataSox development.
Larger Air Volumes with Lower Air Velocities
DataSox is a round, overhead and porous/diffuse fabric HVAC diffuser system that’s specifically designed to distribute a large volume of air down into data center cold aisles, but with low 400-FPM velocities. The controlled velocities don’t upset critical equipment air intake and greatly reduce the volume of entrained air from hotter regions. Optional flexibility of directional spot cooling capabilities are provided by adjustable nozzles for high density IT equipment racks.
Check out our brochure for more information on data center airflow solutions.

Involta’s first retrofit conversions from metal systems to DataSox was at its Marion, Iowa, facilities. The deployment which also included mechanical modifications to existing cold aisle containment equipment, reduced airflow by 40 percent, but maintained the same cooling temperatures due to better air distribution, according to Thorsteinson, who is committed to a steady rollout of DataSox in Involta’s newly-built data centers as well as remaining retrofits. Reduced turbulence allows the rack equipment’s fans to draw in cooling more easily.
Combined with some server and storage device change outs, the Marion facility retrofit reduced electric utility costs by 80,000-kWhr/month, he added.
Another facility in Duluth, Minn., revealed an eight percent energy use reduction from just a DataSox deployment. “Our (DuctSox and Involta) innovative air distribution from this collaboration has revolutionized the future performance standard expected from overhead cooling designs in data centers,” Thorsteinson said.
See our case studies for Liquid Web and Involta-Northpointe for more real-life custom data center cooling solutions.