Regulatory Compliance
DuctSox Airflow Solutions
DuctSox takes great pride in upholding the highest quality standards. Part of those high standards include regulatory compliance testing. Regulatory compliance and codes are generally governed by a regional code body. In some instances, individual cities have a regulatory code body. Product testing is an on going process. Please check back for up-to-date information.

UL Classified/Certified to UL 2518: Sedona-Xm, TufTex, Verona, DuraTex, Rx50, Rx100, Rx165, Microbe-X, & Stat-X Fabrics.
- UL 2518 is the most comprehensive compliance requirement assembled for the fabric duct industry. It ensures that our products meet a higher level of safety, quality, and performance.
- UL 2518 is referenced in the text of each of these code documents as a requirement for Textile Air Dispersion Systems.
CAN/ULC Listed (Canada only): Verona & Stat-X Fabrics
- The listed products meet the minimum requirements specification to pass the 25/50 Flame Spread/Smoke Developed requirements of ULC test method S102.2 "Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Covering and Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies."
BS 5867 Part 2, 1980 - Verona & DuraTex (by request only)
- These products have been tested in accordance with BS EN ISO 15025:2002 Procedure A (surface ignition) using a 15 second flame application time. The results obtained were assessed, and products pass, according to the requirements of BS 5867: Part 2: 2008.
GB8624-2006 - Verona Fabrics
- The listed products have been evaluated by the tests included in GB8624-2006 Classification for Burning Behavior of Building Materials and Products. The testing of these products produced a Bs1d0t1 rating.