Environmental Product Declarations

DuctSox creates EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations) to communicate environmental performance of our products and business practices in accordance with relevant ISO standards. EPDs communicate the entire life cycle of products and offer a more comprehensive analysis of environmental impact than other comparable reports.
As a company, DuctSox prides itself on taking a leadership position in the industry in terms of transparency and comprehensive environmental reporting. Doing so has set a measurement standard to which the company can hold itself accountable and use as a lens moving forward.

EPDs: Transparent Reporting on Sustainability Initiatives
A Commitment to Impactful Environmental Reporting Is Every Business’s Responsibility
Consumers, governments, and private corporations are emphasizing the importance of sustainability in an ever-growing commitment to smart environmental stewardship. Efforts and systems created around sustainability must be communicated clearly to inform consumers and to satisfy regulatory entities. To do this, companies need a standardized method to measure and report on environmental impact objectively.
DuctSox EPD Suspension Resource Documents

SkeleCore® FTS Suspension

IHS Internal Hoop Suspension

Traditional Suspension
Fabric Information Sheets


Sedona-Xm NP™



Verona NP™




